Welcome to the Washington County ARES (Amateur Radio Emergency Services) website (ARES Unit 163MN01)... September is National Preparedness Month. Make/Review your family response plan; radios
ready and power sources charged; Be Weather Aware.. !! Be Prepared!!... .Check the EVENTS and NEWS tabs for upcoming events & news....Check in to the Metro District ARES Net (Old Hospital Net
[First Thursday at 12:30 each month] (146.700, PL 127.3) Check in by hospital, EmComm group or as individual amateur radio operator. SEE OTHER NETS Tab for details ....Check the four ARES Digital
Nets in Minnesota (that we can hit) and participate; (1)SARA Digital Fusion Net on Sunday Evening; Info under the Events tab gives details.(2) MN Digital ARES Net using FL DIGI, Olivia 8-500,
Thursday, 8 pm, 3.583.50 USB.(3) SEMARC Winlink VHF P2P Net on Wednesdays after 2meter FM Net. (4) The Minnesota Winlink Net is currently active. Email N0DZQ on Winlink if you wish to participate in
this open net...The 147.180 Repeater is running at the Newport site (PL 74.4) and Forest Lake site(PL 100); we use this repeater for drills and activations. This covers the entire county and is in
our WashCoARES Emergency Communications Plan... Support our Amateur Radio Clubs through your participation.