Regular WASHCO ARES Net is suspended; previously on the THIRD THURSDAY of the month on 147.180, PL 74.4  (Newport site in southern end of the county) or PL 100 (Forest Lake site in the northern end of the county). 

     ARES check-ins on SEMARC 2m Nets every Wednesday at 8 PM Also!!


  ARES Net Script:

ARES Net Control Script (March 2023) < > Good evening. Welcome to the Washington County ARES Net. This is your Net Control Station for tonight_____. Washington County ARES is based in the Twin Cities east metro area. This net meets on the third Thursday of each month at 7:00 PM local time on the 147.180 repeater with PL tones are 100.0 in Forest Lake and 74.4 in Newport. Thanks to the South East Metro Amateur Radio Club for the use of this pair of repeaters. The objective of this net is emergency preparedness training and for the exchange of ARES information. However, this net is open to all licensed amateur radio operators. The net also features an ARES related discussion topic. Tonight’s topic is: _________________________ This is a controlled net. All traffic and comments should be directed thru the Net Control Station. Again, Net Control this evening is _____ . My name is _________. Break. < > First, let’s stand by for emergency traffic. Are there any stations with emergency traffic or any relays? < > Next, we will check in registered ARES members. ARES members only at this time. Please give your complete call sign slowly and phonetically, your first name, your city, and indicate if you have announcements or traffic for ARES members. If you have announcements, let me know and I will call for them later. Please check in now. < > Are there are any additional ARES check-ins? < > Now, I’ll take non-ARES check-ins. Please call Net Control now. < > < > < > Are there any other announcements? < > Tonight’s ARES training topic is ________________. When I call your call sign, please respond with your answer or comment about tonight’s topic. < > Thank you all for your comments. Thank you for your support of ARES. For information about Washington County ARES upcoming events; check our website at Close: This is Net Control Station closing the net at _______ hours Central time and returning this repeater to normal amateur radio use. Good evening and 73 everyone. Out and Clear. # # #

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Amateur Radio Emergency Services